Black Lives Matter

Peace and the broken-hearted

What does that even mean

What does it look like

When you wake up every day knowing that your life is at risk

Not for what you’ve done

Or for any choice you’ve made

But because they look and see mad, bad and violent because of the colour of your skin

That wrapper that protects you and keeps all the inner parts in

That tough yet fragile layer that turns blue and purple at the heavy and unwanted hands

That breaks as the bullet passes through, leaking your red life force onto the pavement

These violent acts of the state against your beautiful black skin

Against your beautiful mind

Against your valuable life

And people say 

“Just comply”

“Do as they say”

“Don’t wind them up”

So you do that

And they break you for all to see

Your last moments captured with their knee on your neck, as you say

“I can’t breathe”

But they don’t hear you 

They don’t listen

And you stop breathing

What does peace look like

When the civil rights movement has ended

And there are still no civil rights for you?

When the calendar says it’s the 21st century

But people’s actions say 1825?

They say that doing the same thing but expecting a different outcome is insanity

So things need to change

We can’t keep going on like this

Freedom is the key

From mental slavery

From oppression

It’s time to rise
